Money in the Vents!

Just recently my husband and I began the journey of renting to own a beautiful home. Of course, the idea of an electric bill and a gas bill were extremely strange concepts.We came from a living situation where the house was 100% solar and used wood for heat. There was no air conditioning. There was a simple lifestyle that reminded us of how much power we used, and if we used too much, then the power would go out. I'm pretty sure this is what has helped keep our bills to easily manageable levels. These are some of the ways that you can save some money around the house.
(Remember, even if it saves you just a couple dollars right now, imagine how much that is over a longer period of time!)

- If you are not in that room, turn off the lights. I'm sure your mother and father have instilled this into you, but there is a reason for it. Make it a habit of turning off a light when you leave the room.
-Use LED Bulbs. They use less energy, are just as bright, and have a lifespan six times greater than other bulbs.
-Consider a Smart LED bulb. Make sure lights are turned off with an app, or have Alexa™ do it. We chose to use Wyze Smart Bulbs because they were a bit more inexpensive and didn't require a hub.
-Suns out, blinds open. Using natural light is not only good for you (Hello, Vitamin D!), but it helps can help kill and prevent mold and mildew from growing in the home.

-If you aren't using your charger, unplug it! Chargers not in use still consume energy, even if a phone isn't attached to the end of it.
-Consider a smart outlet that will let you turn off those chargers when not in use. We use Wyze Smart Outlets to simplify using just one app.
-Make sure your outlets on exterior walls are well insulated. This can cost you up to 5% in energy loss if they are not insulated properly.

-There is a great debate as to what to actually set it to during specific months.
During the winter, our thermostat is set to 68°. We do not have central air, but when we get our air conditioner, we will have it set to about 75°.
-We also just picked up a device that makes your air conditioner "smart." Its called a Atomi Smart Wi-Fi Air Conditioner Controller.
-If you have both central heat AND air, then make sure your systems are tuned up and in tip top shape, as a struggling system can cost you more.

Water Heater
-The optimal temperature for a water heater is 120°.
-While a touch costly, invest in a tank-less or on-demand water heater. It'll save you about $100 per year.
-Look into Energy Star to see if your water heater is listed.

Small Appliances
-Unplug them. The microwave doesn't need to be plugged in constantly. Just like a phone charger, it consumes energy whether you use it or not.
-Put TVs and Game Consoles on surge protectors! This can save you money and your TV/console!

Large Appliances
-Your Refrigerator temperature should be set between 35° and 38°. This makes sure your food stays fresh resulting in lower risks of food loss.
-Your Freezer should be set to 0°.
-Consider getting an Appliance Thermometer to make sure that your temps are set correctly.
-Unplug your Stove if you're not using it.
-If you have a washer, set it to cold or room temp water. The only time you need to use hot is if grease and oil are involved.
-Consider ditching the dryer. Hang dry your clothes. Not only does it save you money, it can save you space as well.

Electric or Heating Programs
-Look into Arcadia Power and see if they are in your area! They are a clean energy program that discounts your electric bill through them. Both the following links will put $25 toward your bill, one is a referral link, the other is just a sign up. For the referral click here and for the non-referral link, click here.
-If you would prefer a local program, look into LIHEAP. It is a program for low income families that discounts your electric or heating bills.
-Google your state to see if there are more local programs! You never know what you can find by a simple search!

-Keep doors closed if you don't plan to use that room for a while! There is no point in heating/cooling a room if you don't plan to use it. This mainly goes for closets.
-Pay off any deposits as soon as you can. It's a big chunk, but its easier to deal with than having it stretched out over time.
-Use coupons! Take advantage of the savings! There are even companies that love sending coupons to its customers!
-Start a change jar and use it for bills! You'd be surprised how much change is lying around!

These are just some of the ideas that we use around our home!
There are plenty of good ideas to save on you bills! If you have an idea you would love to share, please do so, either in the comments below or send an email!
